雅思口语【每日一词】within commuting distance 快播报

哔哩哔哩 2023-04-16 15:55:50

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within commuting distance


My new job is within commuting distance, so I won't have to move to a new city. 


We're looking for a house within commuting distance of the city center. 


The university is located within commuting distance of several major towns. 



What kind of public transportation do you usually take? 

I personally use a combination of buses and trains within commuting distance. Buses are convenient for shorter distances or when there are no train stations nearby, while trains are faster for longer distances and during rush hour traffic. Occasionally, I also use subways and trams when they are available and more convenient for my destination. Overall, the type of public transportation I use depends on the distance, time, and location of my commute.



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